Author Archives: Mr E Hodges

Year 12 Chromebooks

Dear Parent/Guardian, Congratulations on your child’s acceptance into our Sixth Form. We are looking forward [...]

Exam Outcomes

Dear Parent / Guardian, At the start of a new school year I am delighted [...]

Year 7 Easy Fundraising

Dear Parent / Guardian, As we start the new school year I wanted to take [...]

Year 11 & 13 Coursework Important Dates 2024-25

Dear Parent / Guardian, As we start a new school year we thought it would [...]

Year 8 Maths Sets and Options Process Letter

Dear Parents / Guardians, I am writing to you to share some very early information [...]

RMSA February Update Letter

Dear Parents / Guardians,  Following this Monday’s meeting of the RMSA committee I felt I [...]