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traditional values with cutting edge practices
Sir Joseph Williamson’s Mathematical School (or ‘the Math’ as it is known locally) is a boys’ grammar school with over 1500 students on roll that admits girls in the Sixth Form. The school is very popular and is regularly oversubscribed. The school became an Academy in April 2011.
We are a National Support School and the Principal is a National Leader of Education. The school also became one of the first 100 schools in the country to have been designated a National Teaching School and as such is the lead school in the Thames Gateway Teaching School Hub. It is also the lead school in the Kent and Medway Maths Hub, one of just 40 national hubs across the country.
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Our Mission
Our aim is to support young people in becoming happy, confident and active citizens, ready to play a leading role in whatever walk of life they choose.
We do this by ensuring our students do achieve the best possible academic outcomes, while at the same time encouraging them to play a full role in the wider life of the school.
The school is proud of its diverse community and recognises the importance of ensuring our youngsters are educated fully on wider societal issues that are being faced today as well as displaying inclusive and respectful attitudes at all times.
The school works hard to provide a range of provisions and input designed to inform and promote the tolerance and celebration of different cultures, religions and identities as well as ensuring these practices are entrenched in everyday life of all at the Math, including a range of targeted tutorial activities, PSHE content, visiting speakers and assemblies.
We are constantly striving to improve our practices and provisions and ensure our measures to tackle any instances of prejudice, discrimination and ignorance are as robust and effective as possible.