Key information about sitting examinations
- Students are given Statements of Entry (including updated versions), which should have been checked by them to ensure that they are entered for the correct exams and tiers. They have an exam timetable telling them the exact time, room and seat number for each exam. They should check this with their Statements of Entry in case of any discrepancies. Please check and recheck, so that they don’t miss an exam. They will need to know their Candidate Number (“Exam number”).
- If there are transport / illness problems students must phone the school attendance officer before the start of the examination and leave a message for the Exams office.
- Candidates must be aware of the exams regulations which are on display inside and outside all exam rooms. Each student has received his/her own copy of these. In particular note that NO MOBILE PHONES OR OTHER ELECTRONIC ITEMS ARE ALLOWED IN EXAM ROOMS, whether or not they are switched off. The penalties for having a phone are severe.
GCSE Examination Boards
Exam Board
Revision and Study Reports
GCSE Bitesize Biology – This site has six topic areas: Ecology, Humans, Inheritance, Plants, Processes and Variation. As you go into each one there are lists of sub topics. For example clicking on Inheritances will take you to sub topics such as Dominant and Recessive Genes.
S-cool covers the same topic areas but uses slightly different headings.
Sam Learning users can access revision material and exam papers.
Log on to SAM Learning using the password supplied by your school.
GCSE Bitesize Business covers the main topics: Business Aims and Organisation, Business Environment, Finance, Marketing, People in Business and Production.
Sam Learning users can access revision material and exam papers. Log on to SAM Learning using the password supplied by your school.
GCSE Bitesize Design has revision material and tests covering Electronics, Food Technology, Graphics, Resistant Materials, Textile Technology, Systems and Control.
S-Cool has revision material for Food Technology only.
Technology Student Information sheets rather than revision exercises but covers everything you need to know for design technology.
GCSE Bitesize Chemistry has four topic areas: Patterns of Behaviour, Changing Materials, Geology and Structure of Materials. As you go into each one there are lists of sub topics. For example, revision and tests on the Periodic Table can be found in Patterns of Behaviour.
S-Cool covers the same topics but uses slightly different headings.
Sam Learning users can access revision material and exam papers. Log on to SAM Learning using the password supplied by your school.
Skoool has revision exercises for Modular and Co-ordinated Double Science at both Higher and Foundation level.
GCSE Bitesize English and S-Cool have sections on reading and writing.
Sam Learning users can access revision material and exam papers on comprehension and essays. Log on to Sam learning using the password supplied by your school.
GCSE Bitesize English Literature has a good selection of exercises on poetry, drama and novels
Universal Teacher Has a series of links to excellent free study guides and online tutorials for both language and literature.
Englishbiz Excellent collection of worksheets to help improve grades for GCSE Language and Literature.
Students and lecturers from Cambridge University’s Faculty of English have created a range of resources to help with literature study. Particularly good for First World War Poetry and Shakespeare.
GCSE Bitesize Geography has eight main topic headings: Cities, Coasts, Economic Activity, Ecosystems, Population and Development, Tectonics, Water and Rivers, Weather and Climate. Each leads to a range of subtopics.
S-Cool has more detailed headings but the subjects covered are the same.
Sam Learning users can access revision material and exam papers. Log on to SAM Learning using the password supplied by your school.
GCSE Bitesize History covers Britain and the First World War, Germany, 1919 –1945, India, International Relations 1919 to 1945 and 1945 to 1989, The USA, Medicine Through Time, Russia and the USSR.
Sam Learning users can access exam papers on the History of Medicine, Nazi Germany and Modern World History. Log on to SAM Learning using the password supplied by your school.
School History Revision Covers World War 1, Weimar and Nazi Germany, Russia / USSR 1917-1953, USA 1929-41, International Relations 1919-1939, Impact of War, 1914-1948, Superpower Relations, 1945-1989, USA Divided Union 1941-1980, Medicine through Time, The American West, Crime and Punishment through Time, Agriculture 1750-1900, Transport and Leisure.
GCSE Bitesize ICT covers ICT Systems, Hardware, Software, Data Communications, Databases, Measurement and Control, Modelling, The Legal Framework and Implications of ICT.
Sam Learning users can access revision material and exam papers covering all the topics above. Log on to SAM Learning using the password supplied by your school.
Ewart Help with coursework, revision notes and quizzes.
GCSE Bitesize Maths has separate sections for foundation and higher students. It covers Number and Algebra, Shape, Space and Measurement and Handling data.
S-Cool covers the same topics but in a more general way with no split for foundation and higher tiers.
Sam Learning users can access revision material and exam papers. These are divided into foundation and higher tiers. Log on to SAM Learning using the password supplied by your school.
Skoool Revision exercises for Higher, Intermediate and Foundation level Maths.
GCSE Bitesize French covers listening, reading, speaking and writing at foundation and higher level. The site has sound so you can listen to spoken French and test your understanding.
Sam Learning users can access revision material and exam papers. Log on to SAM Learning using the password supplied by your school.
S-Cool has a good French vocabulary section.
French Revision Interactive listening, reading and writing exercises, past papers, revision activities and role play. Click on the Intermediate link for GCSE material.
Bonjour de France Interactive help and tests with grammar, vocabulary and comprehension – all in French.
GCSE Bitesize German covers listening, reading, speaking and writing at foundation and higher level. The site has sound so you can listen to spoken German and test your understanding. S-Cool covers speaking, reading and writing.
GCSE Bitesize Spanish covers listening, reading, speaking and writing at foundation and higher level. The site has sound so you can listen to spoken Spanish and test your understanding.
Sam Learning users can access revision material and exam papers. Log on to SAM Learning using the password supplied by your school.
GCSE Bitesize Music covers listening, reading, speaking and writing at foundation and higher level. The site has sound so you can listen to spoken French and test your understanding.
SAM Learning users can access revision material and exam papers. Log on to SAM Learning using the password supplied by your school.
GCSE Bitesize PE covers the main topics under four headings, Anatomy and Physiology, Culture and History, Health and Fitness and Training and Performance
S-Cool covers the same topics but with a longer menu of headings.
Sam Learning users can access exam papers. Log on to SAM Learning using the password supplied by your school. Log on to SAM Learning using the password supplied by your school.
GCSE Bitesize Physics the main topics are Earth and Beyond, Electricity and Magnetism, Energy Forces and Motion, Radioactivity and Waves. Each has lists of sub topics.
S-Cool covers the same areas but use slightly different headings.
Sam Learning users can access revision material and exam papers. Log on to SAM Learning using the password supplied by your school.
Skoool has revision exercises for Modular and Coordinated Double Science at both Higher and Foundation level.