Our Journey So Far for International Education
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International School Awards
1st July 2021
Sir Joseph Williamson’s Mathematical School in Kent has been awarded the British Council’s prestigious International School Award in recognition of its work to bring the world into the classroom.
The International School Award is a badge of honour for schools that do outstanding work in international education, such as through links with partner schools overseas. Fostering an international dimension in the curriculum is at the heart of the British Council’s work with schools, so that young people gain the cultural understanding and skills they need to live and work as global citizens.
We have submitted an Action Plan for the reaccreditation in November 2020 which was accepted by the British Council. We are now in the process of submitting our Impact Evaluation for the reaccreditation for 2021 – 2024.
As part of the Action Plan we plan to carry out a minimum of 10 curriculum-based international learning activities covering a variety of subjects and involving most of the pupils in the school from Years 7 to 13. The international activities are developed over the course of the academic year and embedded effectively into the school’s curriculum which also bring an aspect of sustainability into our international work. Three of the activities are done in partnership with partner schools in other countries; these activities are:
- Renewable energy sources. The main aim of this project is to understand what renewable energy sources are and how can they be used more widely and more efficiently.
- Promoting communication and team building. This promotes the importance of working alongside other cultures and learning to communicate in new ways, including language.
- Gender equality. With the help of this project, we want to put the debate on gender equality once more in the spotlight.
The activity which contain a foreign language element is:
- Year 7 – French Pas de Calais visit, Year 9 – French Christmas; customs and cultural awareness and Year 10 – French visit to Paris. Students learn about French customs and culture and compare them to their own.
All the activities above have elements of cultural exchanges. In addition to the 4 activities mentioned above, there are 6 more activities with international learning elements, details of which are summarised below:
Promoting communication and team building
This Erasmus project working alongside 4 countries. With an increasing amount of discussion on the rise of nationalism and the breakdown of the European Union, we brought our students together to promote teamwork and sharing skills of communication. Pupils built robots together, learnt to play tag rugby, led debates on European Affairs and learnt different cultural dances.
Activities are selected on the basis of their potential to enhance pupils’ communication skills while promoting digital citizenship as well. Research tasks are assigned on topics which are expected to be motivating for teenagers, such as social issues, everyday adolescent life and problems, personal interests or passions.
One of the focuses will be to enhance the so-called “accountable talk”, to formulate guidelines for group and class discussion and develop assessment rubrics, which will help pupils to evaluate their own and others’ performances. It is hoped that at a later stage in this project, pupils will have the opportunity to talk about their perspectives on a range of issues with classmates and students around the world via online pupil communities such as Youth Voices.
The pupils will also be guided to master their public speaking skills and will learn about business-related communication and how to write a blog. All the activities will be integrating part of class practice, especially in those subjects such as English or Italian, which are strongly based on a communicative approach.
Millennium Development Goals/Sustainable Development Goals, and Plate Tectonics
In Year 9, students look at what the UN Millennium Development Goals are and what they set out to achieve. Students consider how successful they were by their completion in 2015, and the reasons why some areas were/were not successful in their mission to improve development. Following the MDGs, students then consider how the new measures ‘Sustainable Development Goals’ differ to the MDGs and how they also focus on improvement levels of development. Students look at how Birth Rates, Death Rates and other development indicators (including social influences like religion and a lack of contraception) influence population structures in richer and poorer countries (e.g. the UK compared with Kenya).
Students also study Plate Tectonics. Within this, they consider why hazards occur and why there are differences in the effects (economic, social and environmental) across different countries (also linking to development). Students learn examples of earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanoes and make comparisons between the events. Students are also able to consider how countries may attempt to predict, protect and plan for future hazards but some areas of the world are restricted in their ability to do so due to lack of knowledge and understanding, funding and expertise.
Similar topics are also studied at A Level Geography.
Studying the history of different countries
As part of the history curriculum, there is a focus on the history of different countries, such as at KS4, Russia 1917-45 and the Cold War in Europe and Asia 1945-73. The pupils also look at the different political, socio-economic structures of those countries. Studying international diplomacy give the opportunity for the students to learn about the UN, Yalta, Potsdam etc. This has been linked by studying empire and migration, looking at the global impacts of Britain in these respects and vice versa, situating British History in the last 1000 years in a global context. The students are given the opportunity to learn more about the current state of the countries and their cultures by discussing it during lessons, writing essays as part of HW assignments and producing displays for the classrooms.
At KS3 pupils study the important European and global events, including the Reformation, the growth and global impact of the British Empire, and the events and impact of the French Revolution. They study the Holocaust, exploring its origins within Europe and Germany and its impacts and global legacy.
Y12 students study the political, social and economic changes in Germany 1900-91. Y13 students study the history of Italy and the growth of fascism. The students will conduct extensive research about the causes of WW1, focusing on the transnational nature of pre-war events, requiring students to engage with historical analysis from historians from a range of nationalities.
Young People’s Place in The World
The whole of the KS3 (Years 7-9) curriculum for Life Skills, Religious Education, PSHE and Citizenship focuses on Young People’s place in the World. Students complete a unit of study on Islam. As well as considering the beliefs and practices of Islam, they focus on the impact Islam has had on our World, in terms of mathematical and scientific advancement. For homework, pupils research and create a model of a Mosque. They also consider the challenges young Muslims might face in practicing their religion in a multi-faith or secular society. The students will read a book by an Islamic author and all pupils meet the author to discuss her faith, background and experiences. The school has strong connections with the Nasir Mosque in Gillingham and aim to take students to visit and discuss the activities that happen there and their challenges. At the end of the Year, students compare and contrast the similarities and differences found in a range of religious festivals and pilgrimages, contrasting the beliefs and practises found in these across the World.
In KS4, Year 10 pupils have the opportunity to visit a local gurdwara and talk with a member of the local Sikh community, where they discuss the movement of Sikhs around the world. Pupils look at a variety of political and religious figures from across the world and consider how both their culture and religion have influenced their actions and decisions. Cultural awareness and diversity continues to be a significant theme.
Year 7 – French Pas de Calais visit / virtual visit Year 9 – French Christmas; customs and cultural awareness and Year 10 – French visit / virtual visit to Paris
In May we take 75 Year 7 pupils to France for a residential trip. During the trip pupils undertake language based activities with emphasis on vocabulary each day which involve them asking and replying to questions to native speakers. The activities undertaken are all delivered in French with a student selected to translate where necessary. Activities include:
- Market visit in Boulogne
- Visit to Boulangerie where students undertake a workshop making croissants
- Escargot tasting session
Sporting activities delivered and supervised by French monitors to include toboganning and tree nets Visit to a traditional boat maker in the St Malo region and a trip on the boat down the canal with guided tour in French.
- Bowling
- Trip to Wellington War tunnels in Arras
- Nausicca aquarium visit
In December each year we look at the French customs and traditions surrounding Christmas. As part of this we offer the chance for Year 9 students to visit a Christmas market in Lille, France. During the trip students visit the Lille Christmas Market, undertake language based tasks which involve asking for directions, ordering food and paying for an item in the market. Students undertake a town trail which involves them following directions in French to particular areas in the town.
In February we offer the opportunity for KS4 (Year 10) students to visit Paris. Whilst there they undertake many language based tasks to make use of their language skills: ordering food, asking for the bill, etc.
Studying International Relations
Fifty percent of the Politics Advanced Level course is about International Relations. This was an option chosen by the department instead of studying the United States of America. The department deliberately decided to provide students with a broader base of knowledge of Politics on a global scale. Students look at institutions such as the UN, NATO, the IMF, WTO, G7, G20, the EU and evaluate how effective they are by looking at strengths and weaknesses of all these institutions in tackling global issues
The department is planning to conduct a range of debating activities within the school as part of the house completions as well as competing with local schools. Local MPs will be invited to take part in the debates and act as judges. The Politics department is also actively engaged with the school’s Erasmus programme, helping to organise debating activities with recent visiting schools from Latvia, Portugal, Italy and Denmark.
Cross cultural studies in psychology
As part of the Psychology Advanced Level course the students make frequent references to cultural differences, for example cultural variations in attachment style comparing attachment styles in the United States of America versus other cultures, including China and other collectivist cultures, where attachment style is different. Students undertake independent research looking at the parenting styles of different cultures such as the United Kingdom / United States of America versus China, and prepare a presentation on this topic to share with peers. As part of the research the students are expected to look at the history of the countries they are looking at and their cultures and the impact on the attachment styles.
How mental health disorders are interpreted from a cultural perspective and this might impact upon how people are treated or how their behaviour is interpreted. Students research a culture bound syndrome and share that with peers in class discussions.
The students will also look at comparison of recidivism rates in the United Kingdom and Scandinavia. They will conduct an extensive research into how different countries interview / profile criminals. The students will take the opportunity to look at the cultural differences and impact on these differences and will present findings to peers.
Studying the history of Pi and i
Pupils in Y7 will carry out a study about the history of Pi (π) and produce various posters and a large collective one, which is displayed in classrooms and the corridor of the mathematics block. This has been a very popular and exciting activity, which Y7 and their teachers thoroughly enjoy undertaking. This includes studying how the ancient civilizations such as the Babylonians, the Egyptians and the Greek calculated the value of π. Their research includes the study of the history of the ancient civilisations and the modern countries they represent now such as Iraq, Egypt and Greece and their cultures. They also explore how modern computers can be used to calculate the value of π to almost an infinite number of decimal places.
Due to the popularity of the above activity we introduced another project which is about the history of π and ‘i’ (-1) including complex numbers. Imaginary numbers fascinate the Y12 students who study A Level Further Mathematics. The students will learn that the use of imaginary numbers was not widely accepted until the work of Leonhard Euler (1707–1783) and Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777–1855). The geometric significance of complex numbers as points in a plane was first described by Caspar Wessel (1745–1818). This includes studying the history and the culture of the courtiers where the mathematicians come from. They also learn about the applications of complex numbers in real life and will create posters and PP Presentations about their findings.
Renewable Energy to Save our Planet: An Ethics for the Citizens of Tomorrow
This Erasmus project is carried out in collaboration with a school in Italy. The students will focus on what renewable energy sources are and how they can be used more widely and more efficiently.
While renewable energy is often thought of as a new technology, harnessing nature’s power has long been used for heating, transportation, lighting, and more. The students will look at the progress made by both countries, UK and Italy, in this area and how to find innovative and less-expensive ways to capture and retain wind and solar energy. Our students will make a 3D model of the main school block and find strategies on how to make it more energy efficient such as by using solar panels, improving installations and comparing their findings to that of Italian students.
As part of the collaborative work and to deepen students’ knowledge and understanding of this topic, a professor from Genoa University will conduct a seminar which we will link with through Skype. During our 5-day visit in February 2020 to the school in Italy our students will collaboratively work with their counterpart discussing the progress made by students on both sides and how to improve the techniques used. Similar collaboration work will take place when the Italian team visits our school in April 2020. We will continue working collaboratively through emails and will upload some of the work in the eTwinning website of the BC. The findings will be shared with a wider group of students in both schools.
Gender equality
As of 2017, gender equality is one of the sustainable development goals of the United Nations. Both
the UN and the European Union have had a great impact on gender equality and non-discrimination
Policies. This Erasmus project will strengthen the European dimension in the participating schools as it involves five distinctly different countries in Europe. During this academic year, the students and teachers would work together on different online platforms and digital tools, which would significantly improve their ICT skills.
With the help of this project, we want to put the debate on gender equality once more in the spotlight. Gender roles, the gender gap and human rights have been current topics in the media lately. Gender stereotypes and gender identities outside the gender binary have also become prominent topics. Our students are in a vulnerable age and prejudices and discrimination based on their gender can damage their health and affect their success in school. Many prejudices could be eliminated via education. Among other things, we need this project to be able to widen the view how teachers and students perceive gender and be more aware of gender stereotypes. It is crucial that there is a safe place for young people to discuss these issues. This project is needed in order to be able to create a safe environment where the students and teachers can reflect on their experiences and concerns as well as be educated on this topic.
The ISA encourages and supports schools to develop:
- An international ethos embedded throughout the school
- A majority of pupils within the school impacted by and involved in international work
- Collaborative curriculum-based work with a number of partner schools
- Curriculum-based work across a range of subjects
- Year-round international activity
- Involvement of the wider community
For further details please contact:
Dr Ismael L Karam BSc PGCE MSc PhD, Assistant Head Teacher, Director of Mathematics, International School Coordinator, Sir Joseph Williamson’s Mathematical School, Maidstone Road, Rochester, Kent ME1 3EL
Tel: 01634 844008 (school), Fax: 01634 818303, Email: ismael.karam@sjwms.org.uk
18th August 2017
Sir Joseph Williamson’s Mathematical School in Kent has been awarded the British Council’s prestigious International School Award in recognition of its work to bring the world into the classroom.
The International School Award is a badge of honour for schools that do outstanding work in international education, such as through links with partner schools overseas. Fostering an international dimension in the curriculum is at the heart of the British Council’s work with schools, so that young people gain the cultural understanding and skills they need to live and work as global citizens.
Below is a message from the British Council regarding our successful application for the reaccreditation for full ISA.
Dear International Co-ordinator,
Thank you for submitting your International School Award Reaccreditation Impact Evaluation. We are delighted to inform you that it has been approved by our assessors. Congratulations!
Your school is hereby reaccredited from 1 September 2017 to 31 August 2020. To ensure that there is no gap in your accreditation, you will need to submit your next action plan for reaccreditation in just over 2 years. The actual deadline will be announced on our website nearer the time.
Here are the assessor’s comments on your Impact Evaluation, to highlight where your application was particularly impressive and points to take note of as you continue to develop the international dimension in your school:
“This is an excellent Impact Evaluation submitted by Sir Joseph Williamson’s Mathematical School, which fully deserves Reaccreditation of the International School Award. It is clear that the international dimension is going from strength to strength in your school and that this is mainly due to a dynamic international coordinator who has worked to involve all members of staff in the international work that you do. This is reflected by the fact that a wide range of staff members have taken the lead role in the international activities that you have outlined. Your international activities are carefully designed to offer your pupils a wide range of experiences linked to the dimension. Where collaboration with partner schools is included, this is effective and reciprocal, in that students in both schools fully benefit from the experience. Additionally, it is pleasing to see your involvement in Erasmus+ projects, which no doubt will help to sustain these links that you forge with overseas schools. You demonstrate a commitment to developing MFL, not only through your Erasmus+ project, but also with the link you have developed with you French partner school, which clearly shows a detailed, well planned out programme of collaboration throughout the academic year. There is no doubt that this collaboration, and the chance to use their French in a number of ‘real’ situations, will help to support the learning and the enthusiasm of your pupils in this curriculum area. The content and structure of your activity entitled Young People’s Place in the World involving your younger pupils, is effective, as not only is the curriculum delivered from a factual point of view, but you also allow for the development of critical thinking and reflection, which is vital for young people growing up in a modern world. To develop this further, you may like to consider the use of eTwinning in order to collaborate with others around the world in a short term project to support the learning of your students. As a school applying for reaccreditation of the International School Award, the ambassadorial role is an important element and you have demonstrated that you have developed this since your last application. We encourage you to continue to build on this within your local area or network of schools. Congratulations in achieving Reaccreditation of the International School Award and good luck in your future work. “
Congratulations on working so hard to co-ordinate such an impressive range of work as an International Co-ordinator! You are a credit to the school and the wider community.
We will be printing certificates of achievement. If the name of your school or your head teacher has changed since you submitted your action plan then please inform us at isa@britishcouncil.org in the next two weeks to ensure we have the correct information for your certificate of achievement. You will soon be invited to attend an award ceremony where you will receive your certificate and will celebrate your success with other international coordinators and The British Council. If you are unable to attend, please inform us and we will post the certificate to the school.
The scheme mark, which is a key part of the Award, and press release template will be sent with a separate email.
We hope that the scope of your excellent international activities will continue to develop and benefit the school community; your support, commitment, creativity and innovative international work is greatly appreciated.
Thank you for taking part in the International School Award. Please convey our very best wishes and many congratulations to all staff and students both in the UK and overseas who have taken part in the scheme. Please also contact your local media to inform them about your successful international work – this is a great achievement and one that deserves celebrating and sharing widely.
We wish you the best as you continue with your international journey.
Kind regards,
The International School Award team British Council
The School’s international work includes:
Sustainability of European cities
This is the first of the two Erasmus projects which is involving the Geography, Science and Modern Foreign Language Departments. This will include working alongside different schools in France, Italy, Germany and Finland. Students will be looking at sustainability in European cities and there will be travel opportunities to the countries involved. Two members of staff have already been out to finalise project details in Finland and we are to expect a cohort of Finnish students in December this year. We will be inviting Year 10 students interested in participating in the project to apply for a place. There will be a selection process and the successful applicants will be going to a French school in February half-term to work alongside their French peers comparing and discussing sustainability in their home towns.
Aim: The aim is for the students to study sustainability of agriculture, waste, buildings and transport in their countries and then share this information during student mobility’s overseas. This will involve students from Years 10 to 13 (age range from (14 to 18).
Exchanging good practice of Science – Science is fun!
This is the second of the two Erasmus projects. This exciting project working alongside staff and students in Latvia, Spain and Italy. The programme will span two years and will aim to supplement and expand our students’ education in various subjects. For the first year of the project, teachers will share good practise with their overseas peers, during the second year students will get to the opportunity to travel and share science experiments. Spanish linguists will get the opportunity to share their scientific knowledge in Spanish.
Aim: The aim is to share good practice of science teaching and learning and to look at the importance of science in the international market. This will involve students from Years 10 to 13 (age range from 14 to 18 years).
French Languages and cultural awareness
Since 2010 we have had an exchange with students in year 9 with students in Robert Desnos school in Masny. This exchange involves termly communication and exchange of work between students. We exchange classwork which follows our scheme of work and the French students produce exemplars in French for our pupils to model and use. We request that pupils provide English exemplars of topics they are covering in France that the French students could use to improve their level of English. Any work undertaken in English to support the French students is done in their free time. In Term 1 we exchange an introductory letter which introduces the pupil and his family. In Term 2 we exchange a piece regarding what they used to be like when they were younger and which focuses on the imperfect tense. In Term 3 we exchange work on an account of future projects and plans. In February the pupils from France join us in England and attend school with their exchange partner for the day. Pupils follow a condensed timetable and get a genuine experience. In May (Term 5) we visit the school in France. The activity above was replaced with year all 9 pupils visiting the Xmas Market in Lille as part of their French education last year. During this visit pupils undertook a range of activities to ensure that they had meaningful conversations with members of the French community. Upon arrival to Lille they started their visit with the challenge of finding their way to the Xmas market in small groups.
Aim: Students compare and contrast the similarities and differences found in the languages and the cultures of the two countries.
At their visit to the Xmas Market in Lille the pupils were given a map and were required to ask at least one French person for directions. Upon arrival students were required to go to a stall or a shop and buy a postcard, from there they had to make their way to the post office and each ordered and bought their own stamp to England. Students written a postcard home in French and had to send it and place it in the correctly labelled post-box. At lunchtime the students went with their teachers to a French restaurant and students had to choose their food from a French menu and ordered their own meal speaking in French. They all were also responsible for asking for and paying their own bill in Euros. The main priority or aim of the trip was as much exposure to French language and culture as possible. The impact of the visit was discussed after returning back to school.
The History of Pi (π)
Year 7 students will carry out study about the history of Pi (π) and make a display. This has been a very popular and exciting activity which Year 7 and their teachers thoroughly enjoy to undertake. This includes studying how the ancient civilizations such as the Babylonians, the Egyptian and the Greek calculated the value of π. They also explore how modern computed can be used to calculate the value of π to an almost infinite numbers of decimal places.
Aim: Leaning how to calculate the circumference and the area of the circle is part of the curriculum for Year 7. The students take this opportunity to explore this new symbol for the first and learn a lot about how human-beings have been interested in this inspirational numb re for thousands of years.
Sustainable Development Goals Activity and Plate Tectonics Project
Students look at what the new Sustainable Development Goals are (these replace the Millennium Development Goals), and how they link to development indicators, and study which parts of the world are making more or less progress towards meeting them and why. Students look at how Birth Rates, Death Rates and other development indicators (including social influences like religion and a lack of contraception) influence population structures in richer and poorer countries (e.g. the UK compared with Kenya).
Students also study Plate Tectonic. They look at examples of an earthquake, Tsunami, and Volcano in different parts of the world (e.g. Mount Merapi, Java, Indonesia) and look at prediction, effects and responses (linked to levels of development).
Aim: Students look at what the Sustainable Development Goals are and how they link to development indicators, and study which parts of the world are making more or less progress towards meeting them and why.
For Plate Tectonics students look at example of an earthquake, Tsunami, and Volcano in different parts of the world (e.g. Mount Merapi, Java, Indonesia) and look at prediction, effects and responses.
World Music Project
As part of the curriculum, students will explore music from around the world. The curriculum covers Samba Band (year 7), Indian Ensemble, (year 8) African Drumming Group, (GCSE). We have various extra-curricular groups such as the Steel Band and students who play instruments from other cultures are encouraged to perform in assemblies including whole school assemblies and at concerts. The students regularly take part in concerts some of which are joint with students who visit the school from other countries. In summer 2010 and Summer 2011 the music department put on a concert with the students from Foshan School in China. In 2011, the music department ran a drumming workshop for these students. In September 2011 the “Destiny Africa” visited the school. These are students from a Ugandan orphanage who were on tour in the UK. They did an evening concert at school and during the day lead a workshop for our students. Our students performed a couple of pieces with them in the concert. In Spring 2012 there was a lunchtime recital by Sam Randhawa who is a classical Indian musician. In 2015 we put on a workshop with a Japanese partner school on the music of The Beatles and worked together to create a concert which included both Japanese and Western Music. The school has also purchased Samba drums two pair of table and a harmonium to enable pupils to perform on authentic instruments. The year 7 concert (2016) includes performances of songs from the Caribbean and Africa.
Aim: Students get the opportunity not just to learn the musical features of these styles but to try out some authentic instruments and experiment using the techniques. They also look at how the music is affected by its context and how the music has developed.
Young People’s Place in The World
The whole of the KS3 curriculum for Life Skills, Religious Education, PSHE and Citizenship focuses on Young Peoples place in the World. Students complete a six week unit of study on Islam. As well as considering the beliefs and practices of Islam, they focus on the impact Islam has had on our World, in terms of mathematical and scientific advancement. They also consider the challenges young Muslims might face in practicing their religion in a multi-faith or secular society. Studies start by focusing on Saudi Arabia, and the influence of Mecca, and spread to understand of Islam across the World on in the UK. At the end of the Year, students compare and contrast the similarities and differences found in a range of religious festivals, contrasting the beliefs and practices found in these across the World. Students compare the Moral codes of a range of Religions, including the practice of Christianity, Islam and Buddhism, and the impact of these beliefs on the lives of individuals. They link this is with a lesson comparing forms of Government. Students research the style of Government of one country other than the UK for homework. They link this work in with bullying and discrimination. At the end of the Year students look at a variety of places of worship and discuss how these used by different communities. Cultural awareness and diversity continues to be a significant theme. They discuss initiation in a range of cultures and situations.
Aim: By carrying out these series of activities, students will be able by the end of Year to compare and contrast the similarities and differences found in a range of religious festivals, contrasting the beliefs and practices found in these across the World. Students will be able to compare the Moral codes of a range of Religions, including the practice of Christianity, Islam and Buddhism, and the impact of these beliefs on the lives of individuals. They link this with a lesson comparing forms of Government. The students will also discuss initiation in a range of cultures and situations.
Japanese language and culture programme
Thirty of our pupils (years 7 – 11) went to Japan to stay with host families. They went to the Japanese school and learnt calligraphy, origami, Japanese song and dance and more of the Japanese language. We went for 10 days.
Aim: Further exchanges will be organised. One of our students is currently studying Japanese at University on the strength of this exchange.
Studying the history of different countries
As part of the history curriculum there is a focus on the history of different countries. For example, Russia 1917-39, and Cold War Europe 1945-1990. The students also look at the different political, socio-economic structures of those countries. International diplomacy is also studied. For example, UN, Yalta, Potsdam etc. Year 12 students study the history of Italy and the growth of fascism. Year 13 history students study the political, social and economic changes in Germany between 1900 and 1945. Year 13 government and politics students study a variety of different ideologies, many of which are relevant to other countries such as socialism in Russia and China, multiculturalism etc.
Aim: Students will, as a result, gain a greater understanding of the history of a number of countries. For the holocaust and occupation research students will research life under occupation and the effect of the war on the Jewish population. Information sourced on the Internet and students will watch a recorded interview with a holocaust survivor.
Full immersion language course
Students were taken to Barcelona on a full immersion language course. Whilst there we arranged for them to meet their pen pals in the Colegio Internacional in Barcelona. They had previously been in contact via email and online video calls presenting themselves to each other with various aspects of their student and personal lives. Upon arriving in the town situated high up on a hill we were warmly welcomed by Julia Viladot, the English teacher. The initial bemusement of both groups of students were quickly replaced with warm discussions and filled with questions and excitement. Our students were lucky to be presented with the history and purpose of the school and compare these careers and skills based schooling with their own academic experience. They also reflected on the importance of both Castilian, the Spanish that they are learning, and Catalan, the regional language, which are both used to teach in various subjects. Our students also were offered a traditional breakfast with various sweet pastries and fruit before having a tour along with their new friends of the ancient town where they further bonded over a picnic lunch in a park overlooking the picturesque valley. Farewells were long and our students were sad to leave their new friends but they expressed their enthusiasm for keeping in contact and maybe meeting in future and were glad to have made new friends in Spain.
Aim: Students compare and contrast the similarities and differences found in the languages and the cultures of the two countries.
The ISA encourages and supports schools to develop:
- An international ethos embedded throughout the school
- A majority of pupils within the school impacted by and involved in international work
- Collaborative curriculum-based work with a number of partner schools
- Curriculum-based work across a range of subjects
- Year-round international activity
- Involvement of the wider community
For further details please contact:
Dr Ismael L Karam BSc PGCE MSc PhD, Assistant Head Teacher, Director of Mathematics, International School Coordinator, Sir Joseph Williamson’s Mathematical School, Maidstone Road, Rochester, Kent ME1 3EL
Tel: 01634 844008 (school), Fax: 01634 818303, Email: ismael.karam@sjwms.org.uk
25th August 2014
Sir Joseph Williamson’s Mathematical School in Kent has been awarded the British Council’s prestigious International School Award in recognition of its work to bring the world into the classroom.
The International School Award is a badge of honour for schools that do outstanding work in international education, such as through links with partner schools overseas. Fostering an international dimension in the curriculum is at the heart of the British Council’s work with schools, so that young people gain the cultural understanding and skills they need to live and work as global citizens.
The School’s international work includes:
To know what a school day and weekend in the life of a KSA/UK student would be like
Aim: This would include one day at school and one day on the weekend/holiday. This will enhance literacy, ICT and creative skills. This project has really had a significant impact on the students who have been involved with conducting the project. By carrying out this activity the students have enhanced their international awareness in terms of cultural and language differences. They have learned a lot about the Saudi?s culture by meeting a number of teachers and educators from Saud Arabia who visited SJWMS in February 2013 and by watching video clips about the partner schools in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia which have been uploaded into the British Council Website (BCW). The students involved have designed a questionnaire about the daily routine of a student in Saudi Arabia which was uploaded into the BCW. They have also answered the questionnaires which had been written by the students in Saudi Arabia to the students in the school at the Medway Cluster. They have also created a video about our school which will be unloaded into the BCW shortly
To develop an understanding of how to live in a healthy manner
Aim: To develop knowledge and understanding of cultural differences in relation to health (food, exercise, smoking, drugs and alcohol). Skills: This will develop literacy, ICT and numeracy skills. The healthy living project encouraged students in PE lessons to think about the definition of a healthy lifestyle. They started to write the 10 most important factors which will be considered as a healthy lifestyle. These will be uploaded into the British Council Website shortly. They will compare these with the outcome from the students in Saudi Arabia.
Comparative renewable energy sources and their efficiency
Aim: To be aware of the various renewable energy sources in various parts of the world based on their local climate, e.g. wind farms, tide generators, solar etc… For this project the students have done research about the various types of renewable energy sources and their efficiencies. They have been producing some posters about the various types of renewable energy sources depending on climate. For example, students explored Solar Energy sources in Saudi Arabia and Wind and Tidal Wave energies in the UK. The project enriched the curriculum and enhanced the students? knowledge in Science according to the Head of Science.
The UN Millennium Development Goals
Aim: Students look at what the UN Millennium Development Goals are and how they link to development indicators, and study which parts of the world are making more or less progress towards meeting them and why. Students look at how Birth Rates, Death Rates and other development indicators (including social influences like religion and a lack of contraception) influence population structures in richer and poorer countries (e.g. the UK compared with Kenya). Students also study Plate Tectonic. They look at example of an earthquake, Tsunami, and Volcano in different parts of the world (e.g. Mount Merapi, Java, Indonesia) and look at prediction, effects and responses
Studying the history of Pi
Aim: Year 7 students carry out a study about the history of Pi and make various displays. This includes studying how the ancient civilisations such as the Babylonians and the Egyptian calculated the value of Pi?
Young people’s place in the world
Aim: The whole of the KS3 curriculum focuses on Young People?s place in the World. Students complete a six week unit of study on Islam. As well as considering the beliefs and practices of Islam, they focus on the impact Islam has had on our World, in terms of mathematical and scientific advancement. They also consider the challenges young Muslims might face in practicing their religion in a multi-faith or secular society. Studies start by focusing on Saudi Arabia, and the influence of Mecca, and spread to understand of Islam across the World on in the UK. At the end of the Year, students compare and contrast the similarities and differences found in a range of religious festivals, contrasting the beliefs and practises found in these across the World. Students compare the Moral codes of a range of Religions, including the practice of Christianity, Islam and Buddhism, and the impact of these beliefs on the lives of individuals. They link this with a lesson comparing forms of Government. Students research the style of Government of one country other than the UK for homework. They link this work in with bullying and discrimination. At the end of the Year students look at a variety of places of worship and discuss how these are used by different communities. Cultural awareness and diversity continues to be a significant theme. They discuss initiation in a range of cultures and situations.
Exchange activities with students in Year 9 with students in Robert Desnos in France
Aim: Since 2010 we have had an exchange with students in year 9 with students in Robert Desnos school in Masny. This exchange involves termly communication and exchange of work between students. We exchange classwork which follows our scheme of work and the French students produce exemplars in French for our pupils to model and use. We request that pupils provide English exemplars of topics they are covering in France that the French students could use to improve their level of English. Any work undertaken in English to support the French students is done in their free time. In term one we exchange an introductory letter which introduces the pupil and his family. In term 2 we exchange a piece regarding what they used to be like when they were younger and which focuses on the imperfect tense. In term 3 we exchange work on an account of future projects and plans. In February the pupils from France join us in England and attend school with their exchange partner for the day. Pupils follow a condensed timetable and get a genuine experience. In May we visit the school
Studying music from various parts of the world
Aim: As part of the Curriculum for KS3 pupils will study music from various parts of the world. Year 7: They will explore African Drumming.
- Year 8: They will explore Indian Music.
- Year 9: The will be involved in a World Music Project.
Students get the opportunity not just to learn the musical features of these styles but to try out some authentic instruments and experiment using the techniques. They also look at how the music is affected by its context and how the music has developed.
Other programmes:
Geography Quality Mark Awarded by the Geographical Association. Recognises standards and promotes self-review in geography departments. Global issues and how these relate to people and physical processes is an underlying theme of the subject. We are working towards the RE Quality Mark, which requires us to evidence our impact on the wider society. We have also run an external conference with KS5 focusing on international development and the questions of debt and poverty. As internationalism is very important at our school and as part of our international programme we are offering our students the chance of meeting and getting to know a young person from Japan. A group of twenty students and two teachers from Kanto International School, our partner school in Tokyo, will be visiting us in July 2014. We have found families who would like to host our guests. The students are between fifteen and seventeen years old; 11 are girls and 9 are boys. They are studying English as a foreign language and are keen to improve their spoken English, meet British people and learn about our culture. In school, the students will follow a programme of English lessons and some shared activities with our students. However, in 2 days they will visit places of interest in our area. This is the first time we have linked up with Japan and the Mayor of Rochester will be joining us on the first day to celebrate the partnership.
John Rolfe, from the British Council, said: ‘The school’s fantastic international work has rightfully earned it this prestigious award. The International School Award is a great chance for schools to demonstrate the important work they’re doing to bring the world into their classrooms. Adding an international dimension to children’s education ensures that they are truly global citizens and helps prepare them for successful future careers in an increasingly global economy.’
2012 saw more than 800 schools receive International School Award accreditation. This includes a wide range of schools from a variety of different backgrounds and areas across the UK. The British Council hopes to build on this success throughout 2013
The Award is now available worldwide in countries such as India, Sri Lanka, Egypt, Lebanon, Cyprus and Pakistan as part of the British Council’s Connecting Classrooms programme. Around 4000 International School Awards have been presented to successful schools in the UK since the scheme began in 1999.
The ISA encourages and supports schools to develop:
- An international ethos embedded throughout the school
- A majority of pupils within the school impacted by and involved in international work
- Collaborative curriculum-based work with a number of partner schools
- Curriculum-based work across a range of subjects
- Year-round international activity
- Involvement of the wider community
For further details please contact:
Dr Ismael L Karam BSc PGCE MSc PhD, Assistant Head Teacher, Director of Mathematics, International School Coordinator, Sir Joseph Williamson’s Mathematical School, Maidstone Road, Rochester, Kent ME1 3EL
Tel: 01634 844008 (school), Fax: 01634 818303, Email: ismael.karam@sjwms.org.uk