Dear Parent/Guardian,
Congratulations on your child’s acceptance into our Sixth Form. We are looking forward to welcoming your child back to school, or to the school for the first time. As part of our provision we offer a fully digital curriculum. Our former Year 11 pupils will already be able to attest to the positive impact that this has made on their learning and I am sure that this has contributed in part to the exceptional GCSE results this year. The provision of these Chromebooks has enabled us to modernise and digitalise the curriculum. This applies to the Sixth Form also.
Year 12 students will be issued with their Chromebooks at the start of term. As part of this we issue each pupil with a Chromebook which they are expected to bring to school each day and will use both in lessons and at home. We will be asking for a financial contribution to support this scheme, just as we did lower down the school. We cannot require it and pupils of parents who are unwilling or unable to contribute will still keep their Chromebooks for the duration of the year. Through all school years the vast majority of parents contribute which we are very grateful for. This enabled us to continue and extend the scheme. Whilst we cannot compel contributions from parents, a little like school trips, if we do not have enough contributions then we may be unable to continue this scheme in the future. We appreciate that financial times are difficult but hope you will agree that it is a worthwhile price to pay given the benefits that it provides. Students are not able to bring in their own devices such as laptops due to issues such as insurance, IT support and damage. We will have a stock of spare Chromebooks which will enable us to swap out any faulty devices to ensure there is no down time for students.
We are requesting a contribution of £10 per quarter for students in Year 12. This is lower than the amount contributed lower down the school and recognises the fact the device your child will receive is two years old. It has, however, been refurbished and maintained over the summer. Returning pupils will receive the same device they handed in at the end of Year 11. Payment will take place each quarter through to the end of Year 13. We are asking for payment quarterly rather than monthly because this reduces the transaction costs that the school has to pay so more of your contribution actually comes to the school.
Payment is via Wisepay. Please log onto your account and click on the ‘School Laptop Programme’ – Laptop image . This will take you to the page where you are able to make your initial contribution, future contributions can be taken automatically by ticking the recurrent payment ‘box’. Please be assured payments will only be debited in line with the instalment plan. The first contribution is due on 1st October 2024 and future payments will be taken every three months. Whilst this is some way away we would ask parents to set up payment now. We are not expecting parents who were in receipt of the pupil premium to contribute.
Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you have any concerns over the content of this letter or the approach we are taking.
Yours sincerely
E. Hodges