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Present:  Jane Marsh, Janine Johnson, Jo Harding, Angela Hannaford, Eliot Hodges (Headteacher), Charlie Alderman (RMSA link), Michael Fanka (6th form rep), Miles Archer (6th form rep), Ruth Thomas, Steph Roarty (6th form rep), Nicole Deards, Sarah Gilbert, Nikki Rouse, Claire Doree, Yemi Ojo

Apologies for Absence: Karen Phillips, Sarah Clarke, Elaine Stokes, Sue Crittenden, Emily Crosby

  1. Minutes of the Last Meeting, Matters Arising & Update on Actions

The minutes of the last meeting were accepted as a true record of the meeting and adopted.

  1. Chair’s Report

I hope everyone had a good Christmas, although it now seems but a distant memory!

Thank you all for electing me to serve another year as your Chair. It’s a privilege to be able to work with you all and help to raise the significant amount of money that we do.

Sadly, there is not much to report, given the ongoing Covid-19 situation, but there is hope that we may be able to recommence our usual activities later in the year. Let’s all keep our fingers crossed.

We do at least have a steady stream of income from Your School Lottery, The Giving Machine and Amazon Smile so if you aren’t already signed to any of these, please consider them because they are a big help, most particularly the lottery. You will see from the Treasurer’s reports the income we receive from that.

The balloon race we held in December was a good way to raise some funds. It didn’t make as much as the one we did in July but we still received over £500. We did have to fund £100 prize money (and 1st and 2nd place were won by the same person!). It was a really good race and lots of people were tracking their balloons over the course of the week and mine came 4th. Thanks to those of you who did take part and I hope you can vouch for the fun and competition.

We obviously could not hold our annual quiz night this year, which is such a shame as it makes us a very good profit. However, we do have the online quiz coming up on Friday 12th March, so I hope as many of you as possible will take part. Phil, the professional host is charging us £95 for his services (which is a fraction of what he normally charges) and we are funding £50 as the prize for the winning team, so we need at least 15 teams at £10 per team in order to just break even. My family have been doing Phil’s quizzes most Saturday nights since before Christmas and I can guarantee that it will be a fun evening and there will be lots of stealing points and fastracking! Messages have already gone out to parents on schoolcomms and the details are also posted as an event on our Facebook page. Anyone can take part, it’s not limited to people with a connection to the school. The more teams that sign up, the more money we can make.

If you have any other ideas for online activities that we can do to raise funds, please do let me know. I am always on the lookout to see if there are suitable online events that we can run for our parents and students, although it’s not always easy.

We have been contacted by the new committee of the RGSA (Rochester Grammar School Association) and, at the time of writing, Janine, Jo, Angela and I will be having a meeting with them to discuss ways in which we may be able to work together in the future and some possible joint events. Their chair is very keen to learn from the RMSA experiences as we are a very successful PTA.

Here’s hoping that we may be able to meet face to face again at some time in the not-too-distant future.

Jane Marsh | Chair

February 2021

  1. Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer report had been circulated prior to meeting. Available funds as of 8th March 2021 of £10,780.43.  Specific points highlighted were:          

  • Your School Lottery. As of the 27th February 2021, there are 146 supporters who purchased 223 tickets for that week. Whilst the numbers have picked up slightly there are 81 subscribers not currently purchasing tickets. The Lottery information is posted on the RMSA Facebook page, please could you share so the message gets to as many people as possible, remember you do not have to be a parent of a pupil to participate.
  • Giving Machine: No further payments received. The Giving Machine information is posted on the RMSA Facebook page please could you share so the message gets to as many people as possible, remember you do not have to be a parent of a pupil to participate.
  • Amazon Smile: Further payment received from Amazon Smile in February. Amazon Smile information is posted on the RMSA Facebook page please could you share so the message gets to as many people as possible, remember you do not have to be a parent of a pupil to participate.
  • Stock: Out of date stock has been disposed of.
  • Requests for Funding: All requests for funding need to be submitted on a Funding Request form. This is necessary as we need to have an audit trail available to show an accountant at the end of our financial year. Our income is likely to exceed £10,000 this year and there are more stringent requirements in respect of our Charity Commission submission.
  1. Request for Funds

No new funding requests received. The below are still outstanding:

  • Music – drum kit & cases at a cost of £800 (F.Graham) – previously approved and extension to order approved
  • Physics – 4 DVD drives at a total cost of £80 (A.Milne) – previously approved and extension to order approved
  • English – 10 copies of creative writing resource pack at a total of £45 – previously approved and extension to order approved

CA to chase up the above – in the circumstances, an extension is approved to put the orders in until April.

  1. Forthcoming events

Difficult to confirm about future events.

Founder’s Day: Possibility of day going ahead as it usually does is unlikely, such as going to the cathedral, but hopefully will be able to do something with regards to the sports afternoon.

We will plan for what we normally would do as the RMSA, but will have a contingency plan. We will have more updates as things progress with return after Covid.

  1. Recent Events Feedback

Not much has taken place. Some events more successful than others.

  1. Quiz Night (February)

Online quiz night – Sat 12th March. 19 teams so far so in profit.

  1. Lost Property Update

No update as SC not present. Second-hand uniform still being sold where possible and within guidelines for social-distancing.

  1. RGSA

Jane, Jo, Janine & Angela had a meeting with the new chair of RGSA – he is very new to the role but very keen. They approached us as they know we are a successful PTA and quite a few are new to the roles on their PTA. Looking at the idea of collaborating on events in the future but also not scheduling events that will clash e.g. Christmas Fayre. If anyone has any ideas that might be of interest, please do let us know.

  1. Update from Sixth Form

No update this time.

  1. Update from Charlie Alderman

No update at this time.

  1. Any Other Business

Jane has emailed Dean and booked for the Christmas Fayre (20th November 2021) and also for the quiz night next February (4th February 2022) with the view that we will be back to normal by then hopefully.

Jo mentioned about chocolate in the cupboard which will be coming to it’s end of date so could go in and move to the staffroom for the teachers. Perhaps can pop in at Easter to check if any stock needs sorting.

EH – even after everything has gone on, the school will be looking at continuing parent’s evenings online. It is unlikely they will go back to in-person parent’s evenings. Going forward, also might be worth thinking about continuing the online meetings for the RMSA as there is a higher turnout than in person.

*Date of the next RMSA meeting ~ Monday 26th April 2021 @ 7pm online*


Ref. Date Agenda Item Activity Owner
T5.12 On-going Lost Property Dave to build racking and engage Site Team as appropriate.

Difficulty in sourcing materials but will be sorted once this has been ordered.

T6.6 7th December 2020 Giving Machine/Amazon Smile 6th form reps to take up with Mr Bailey about arranging posters to advertise in the 6th form area.

CA to promote with staff

EH – sent out the information to teachers to show what had been funded.

Also Jo arranged for a pie chart to be sent to form rooms to show to the pupils too.








T6.10 7th December 2020


Forthcoming Events CA to ensure up to date list of teas and coffee requirements available for events

Update: email office for an up-to-date list of school staff




T1.17 ongoing Lost Property Second-hand uniform being sold. (See LP update above)

No one from LP present so no current update.

Sue C
T2.9 7th December 2020 AOB Reminder and information to members about the Parentkind website.

Also about the Facebook page – PTA hangout. Worth joining for ideas and information.
