The RMSA (Rochester Mathematical School Association) is the Math School parent, teacher and friend’s organisation and we are a registered charity under Charity Commission number 297726. Our purpose is to raise funds to purchase items for the students’ use or to support projects throughout the school. Items presented to the school by the RMSA in the past include a new Yamaha upright piano, music stands and sound equipment for the Music department, lighting and sound equipment for the Drama department, digital cameras, TV and video equipment for the Art department, many items for the PE department such as gym equipment, cricket balls, rugby and football kits and athletics equipment, equipment for the Duke of Edinburgh expeditions and many more extra curricular activities. 

We raise money by selling refreshments at school events such as concerts, school productions and next steps evenings, as well as by parents supporting Your School Lottery and The Giving Machine (see below for details). We also run a Quiz Night and a Christmas Fayre as well as stalls and activities on Foundation Day.

We are also always very happy to receive one-off donations.

All monies raised by the RMSA are directly controlled by the RMSA and we decide how that money is spent, based on requests from the various school departments and whether those requests fit with our purpose, as set out in our Constitution. All funding requests that we approve are for the benefit of the school’s students in order to enrich and enhance their experience and education at the school.

Requests for funds can come from both pupils and teachers.

If you would like to join the RMSA and become involved in our fundraising activities, please contact the Chair at the email address stated below.

RMSA Committee

The RMSA officers are:

  • Angela Hannaford (Chair) who can be contacted at
  • Joanna Killick (Vice Chair)
  • Cathy Younger (Treasurer)
  • Angela Hannaford (Acting Secretary)

The next RMSA meeting and AGM will be held on Monday 9th September 2024 @ 7pm, SJWMS

If you would like to attend the meeting, please register your interest by emailing the RMSA Chair –

We have a core of committee members but always encourage any other parents who can offer some support to attend.

Meetings take place 6 times per year (once per term) and all parents are invited to attend the RMSA meetingsOur Annual General Meeting takes place in September each year.

Other Ways to Help Us

Your School Lottery

Tickets cost £1 per week and you are entered into the national draw each week to win the jackpot of £25,000.

In addition, each week, there is a guaranteed prize for one lucky SJWMS ticket-holder. The SJWMS prize varies depending on how many tickets are sold and the more tickets we sell, the higher our SJWMS prize will be.

The school has c.1500 students and if we could sell the equivalent of just one ticket per student, per week this would raise over £30,000 for our funds and enable us to purchase much more for your school.

You can purchase tickets by monthly direct debit or you can purchase via debit/credit card in 3-, 6- or 12-month chunks. Direct debit is the best option as it means you don’t have to remember to renew your tickets when they expire.

Tickets can be purchased via this link:

The Giving Machine

If you do your online shopping via this website the RMSA receives free donations from the retailer. It doesn’t cost you an extra penny but is invaluable to us. It only takes a few minutes to sign up and most of the large retailers as well as many smaller or niche retailers are on there. Donations vary depending on the retailer.

Your School Lottery and The Giving Machine are great ways for you to support us and we really do appreciate whatever help you can give us. They are also NOT limited to members of the school community; anyone can sign up and help us, so please encourage your friends and family if you can.

Other RMSA Activities

The RMSA operates the lost property service on behalf of the school and we endeavour to reunite items with their rightful owners when they are received in the lost property room. This is only possible if items are named so please ensure that your son’s or daughter’s name is on everything they bring or wear to school as far as you can. When we receive a named item, the student will be sent an email to their school email address.

This is, we believe, a unique service that other schools don’t offer but we depend very much on volunteers who give up their valuable time to help us to run this service and in order to have the lost property room open every lunchtime we are always in need of volunteers. If you would like to become involved, please email and one of our current volunteers will contact you.

If you have any other enquiries about lost property, please email the above address. Please do remember that this is manned by volunteers so you may not get an immediate response. Please also be advised that it can take some time (usually two to three weeks or more) for items to make their way to the lost property room, it is highly unlikely that an item will make it there on the same day that it has been lost so you will need to be patient.

The RMSA runs an outgrown/nearly new uniform shop. If your child has outgrown school games kit, blazers etc in reasonable condition please consider donating these to the RMSA for sale to raise more funds to support the school’s activities.

To purchase secondhand uniform, please visit

Buying from

Secondhand uniform will be available to buy online via from Monday 19th June 2023.

  • To visit the Uniformd Shop, go to
  • Type in school name (Sir Joseph Williamson’s Mathematical School) and select.
  • Items available to buy will be listed.
  • Minimum spend is £1.00.

SJWMS Uniformd


You will receive an email advising when purchases are ready for collection from the School Office.

  • Parents/adults: 3.30pm – 4.30pm Monday – Thursday, 3.30pm – 4.00pm Friday
    during term time only.
  • SJWMS Students can collect items during the school day.

Second Hand Uniform Sales and the Lost Property room are run by RMSA volunteers.

If you have any enquiries, please contact:

We run raffles at various times during the year – the main ones are at the annual Quiz Night and one on Foundation Day. Without the support of parents and local businesses we would be unable to offer the fantastic range of prizes that we have been able to in the past. If you would like to donate a prize or know of anybody or any businesses that would like to donate please contact We are very grateful for all donations and all profits from the sale of raffle tickets go towards funding those extras that enhance your child’s education.

If anyone has any prizes (including unwanted gifts) they would like to donate for our next raffle or know of any local businesses who may be willing to, please contact us (details above).

A big thank you to everyone who has kindly donated prizes to us in the past.

Contact Us

Please contact the RMSA Chair if you would like any further information or to become involved (however much or little help you can give will always be much appreciated), or send a message with your contact details, addressed to the RMSA, to be left at the school office. We look forward to hearing from you.  Like and follow us on Facebook using the link below.

Rochester Math School Association facebook