Term 1 – Belief & Influences

  1. Transition and Intros
  2. Growth mindset
  3. Baseline assessment
  4. Is there a God? Why do people believe in God?
  5. Religions overview -presentation research
  6. Religions overview – presentations
  7. Intro to religious terms

Term 2 – Impact of belief – Judaism & Christianity

  1. Judaism – Pesach and Sedar
  2. Prophecy of Messiah
  3. Parables and miracles of Jesus
  4. Holy week 
  5. Ascension and Pentecost
  6. Assessment – teacher assessment

Term 3 – Health & Community

  1. You in the community 
  2. Values 
  3. Smoking
  4. Alcohol
  5. Money
  6. Charities

Term 4 – Health & Children’s Rights

  1. Children’s Rights
  2. Staying safe
  3. Puberty 1
  4. Puberty 2
  5. Bullying
  6. Mental Health and Anxiety

Term 5 – Islam

  1. Intro and Muhammad
  2. The Quran
  3. The Mosque
  4. 5 Pillars
  5. Assessment 
  6. Muslims in Britain

Term 6 – Festivals & Pilgrimage 

  1. End of year exam in class
  2. Id-ul-Adha
  3. Id-ul-Fitr
  4. Diwali
  5. Lourdes
  6. Iona
  7. Buddhist festivals

Term 1 – Moral Codes

  1. Introduction to laws
  2. Ten Commandments
  3. Five Precepts
  4. Assessment
  5. Islamic Laws 1 – Imam (Authority)
  6. Capital Punishment
  7. Magistrates Visit

Term 2 – Systems of government

  1. The Criminal Justice System
  2. Types of Government
  3. The British System of Government
  4. Parliament
  5. Politics Assessment
  6. Prejudice & Discrimination
  7. Crusades

Term 3 – Christianity

  1. The Bible
  2. Denominations
  3. Assessment
  4. Eucharist
  5. Trinity
  6. Sin & Atonement

Term 4 – Leadership

  1. What makes a leader?
  2. Guru Nanak
  3. MLK and Christianity
  4. Assessment
  5. Muhammed
  6. Gandhi

Term 5 – Citizenship

  1. Humanism
  2. Humanism
  3. Humanism assessment
  4. Active Citizenship
  5. Extremism
  6. Extremism

Term 6 – Buddhism

  1. Careers lesson
  2. The 4 Sights
  3. Eightfold Path
  4. The Thee Signs of Being
  5. Western / Monastic Buddhism
  6. Assessment
  7. Shaolin Monks
  8. Impact of belief

Term 1 – Suffering & Death

  1. Suffering
  2. Suffering Responses
  3. Suffering Views
  4. Suffering Assessment
  5. Life After Death – Options
  6. Evidence for Life After Death

Term 2 – Relationships & Careers

  1. Family & Friendship
  2. Sex & Contraception
  3. Relationships Assessment
  4. STI’s
  5. Consent – dealing with rejection & sexual harassment
  6. Careers
  7. Careers

Term 3 – Initiation & Multicultural Britain

  1. Nicky Cruz
  2. Baptism in Christianity
  3. School Initiation Assessment
  4. Sikhism 5K’s – Defending faith
  5. Radicalisation
  6. Multi-Cultural Britain

Term 4 – Drugs

  1. Classifications & The Law
  2. Reasons & Impacts
  3. Religious Views – Assessment
  4. Drug Investigation
  5. Drug Investigation
  6. Forgiveness

Term 5 – Rights & Ethics

  1. Privacy & Education
  2. Animal Rights Hinduism
  3. The Environment
  4. Free Will
  5. The only way is ethics.
  6. End of year exam

Term 6 – Religion, Crime & Law

  1. Crime – Good and Evil Actions
  2. Causes of crime
  3. Different types of crime inc. hate crime.
  4. Reasons for punishment
  5. Prison
  6. Capital Punishment
  7. Road safety exhibition trip (TBC)

Term 1 – Putting Faith into Action

  1. Jackie Pullinger
  2. Dalai Lama
  3. Food banks
  4. Langar in the Gurdwara
  5. Humanism
  6. Assessment
  7. Street Pastors visit/lesson

Term 2 – Buddhism / Hinduism

  1. Polytheism
  2. Hindu creation stories
  3. Rebirth / Reincarnation
  4. Caste and Dharma
  5. Caste and prejudice.
  6. Assessment
  7. Meditation

Term 3 – Religion & Science

  1. The origins of the universe
  2. The origins of the universe
  3. The Design Argument
  4. The First Cause Argument
  5. The origins of humans
  6. Assessment

Term 4 – Relationships

  1. Controlling relationships and domestic violence.
  2. Marriage
  3. Family
  4. Contraception
  5. Contraception
  6. Gender Equality and consent incl. sexual harassment
  7. Assessment

Term 5 – Life & Death

  1. Fertility Treatments
  2. Abortion
  3. Animal Testing
  4. Ageism
  5. Euthanasia
  6. Life after Death
  7. Assessment

Term 6 – Revision & Skills

  1. How to create a revision timetable
  2. Revision Methods 1
  3. Revision Methods 2
  4. Revision Methods 3
  5. Stress and relaxation
  6. First Aid and CPR

Term 1 – Physical & Emotional Wellbeing

  1. Mental Health
  2. Self Harm
  3. Eating Disorders
  4. Samaritans
  5. Drugs
  6. Drugs
  7. Assessment

Term 2 – Rich & Poor

  1. Money – Risk
  2. Money – Consumerism
  3. Attitudes to being rich
  4. Attitudes to being poor
  5. Welfare State
  6. Assessment

Term 3 – Social Pressures

  1. Gangs
  2. Extremism
  3. Social Media
  4. Appearance
  5. Exploitation
  6. Gambling
  7. Assessment

Term 4 – Religion & Politics

  1. Ideologies
  2. Electoral Systems
  3. House of Commons vs Lords
  4. How laws are made
  5. Can religion & Politics Mix?
  6. Assessment
  7. Social Justice and Human Rights

Term 5 – Preparing for the future

  1. GCSE & Revision Methods Recap
  2. Exam Stress
  3. What if things don’t go to plan.
  4. When is anxiety normal?
  5. Future employability
  6. Assessment

Term 1

  1. Setting the scene: working together productively
  2. Relationships and consent
  3. Pressures and expectations
  4. Sexuality and gender

Term 2

  1. Contraception
  2. Drugs alcohol and tobacco
  3. Drugs alcohol and tobacco: the law and dealing with emergencies
  4. Emotional wellbeing and stress

Term 3

  1. Emotional wellbeing: strategies and support
  2. Physical health and nutrition
  3. Risk and safety 1

Term 4

  1. Risk and safety 2
  2. Personal identity
  3. Communities

Term 5

  1. Independence
  2. You as a worker

Term 6

  1. Year 12 work experience
  2. RE Day with Alisoun Francis (Christian)
  3. Radicalisation talk
  4. Caring Hands talk (Christian)
  5. Ahmadiyya Muslims