We aim to raise aspirations, challenge stereotypes and encourage students to consider a wide range of careers. Through careers education and guidance, it is hoped that students will be encouraged to make the most of their talents and to go on to jobs or courses which suit their needs and intelligence.
In particular we intend our students to:
- develop a broad understanding of the world of work and an ability to respond to changing opportunities
- develop and use their self-knowledge when thinking about and making choices
- develop the skills they need to review achievements, plan future actions, make decisions, present themselves well and cope with change and transition
- make successful transitions to adulthood through the development of skills, attitudes and abilities
- have opportunities to develop self-awareness, confidence and the exploration of opportunities
- access and interpret careers and labour-market information, applicable to their personal aspirations and interests
- undertake their own careers research so that they can make good use of information and guidance – as supported by the Unifrog tutorial programme
- achieve their full potential, giving unique and tailored support to targeted groups or individuals
The Governing Body and staff are committed to:
- the provision of resources and advice to enable students to understand and develop career choices and to ensure that careers education is seen as part of the overall curriculum and learning framework for all years
- encouraging students to aspire, achieve and excel
- involving students, parents and carers in the further development of careers work
- working with the LEA so that no student is disadvantaged in gaining access to education, training or work
Our Careers Programme is based on the eight Gatsby Benchmarks, a framework that enables us to provide our pupils with the best possible careers education, information, advice and guidance. The LAT Engagement Team support the school in delivering the Gatsby Benchmarks. Careers education helps our students develop the knowledge and skills they need to make successful choices, manage transitions in learning and move into work. A wealth of information and advice can be found on each year group Google Classroom and on the careers notice boards around the school. Through guidance students are able to use their knowledge and skills to make the decisions about learning and work that are right for them.
Framework for careers, employability and enterprise education
Careers education forms an integral part of the curriculum in the Life Skills and Tutorial programme. There are also cross-curricular links to careers within subjects and these are highlighted by subject teachers as and when appropriate. The programme is based on the Careers Development Institute framework for careers, employability and enterprise education (2015). For further details refer to the Careers Map which can be found on the school website: Enrichment > Careers Information
In addition, we organise:
- Support for students applying to Oxbridge
- Lesson time devoted to the development of personal statements
- Talks from organisations from a range of industries – as requested by students
- Talks from former students who return to school to share their experience of gap year, university, apprenticeship and work
- CV support – on request
- The opportunity for mock university/apprenticeship/job interview in Year 13
- Job of the week announcements on Google Classrooms to encourage students to broaden their knowledge of a variety of occupations
- Up-to-date information about apprenticeship opportunities posted weekly on the Apprenticeships Google Classroom. This Classroom also contains information about where to find apprenticeships, the types and levels and application tips.
Careers guidance takes place on a one-to-one basis. Whilst we tend to target the most vulnerable students for dedicated careers guidance, any student may self-refer and attend a careers interview with the Careers Coordinator, Mrs Harman. Careers is one aspect of the school’s pastoral system and in this respect careers work is supported by the work form tutors cover in tutorial time. The Careers Coordinator works closely with Mr Bailey, Head of Sixth Form and Heads of Year to make sure that students are supported in their decisions for options at Year 9, Post 16 and Post 18 and all staff are involved in guidance to an extent, particularly where they have knowledge of their own subject areas.
Entitlement Statements
As a learner you are entitled to expect that the school will:
- Treat and respect you as an individual
- Provide you with the opportunity to learn the skills and gain the knowledge you will need to secure training/employment after leaving school
- Offer you support as you need it
- Guarantee you access to careers information, advice and guidance which is up to date, comprehensive and unbiased, including Labour Market Information
- Ensure you have access to professional and expert guidance when you need it
- Guarantee access to information about all the options/pathways open to you once you leave school
As a member of staff, we expect that you (the learner) will:
- Be active in helping yourself as well as expecting us to help you
- Be prepared to be realistic in considering the range of options available and in making choices about them
- Be prepared to learn and stretch yourself in order to reach your potential
- Be punctual and considerate of others
As a parent/carer you are entitled to expect that the staff of school will:
Enable you to take an active part in the processes described above which could include –
- Attendance at parents’ evening and other events
- Promote and practice equal opportunities for all young people regardless of gender, ethnic origin, disability, etc.
Equal Opportunities
We promote equal opportunities and use every opportunity to challenge gender and ethnic stereotypes and to raise aspirations. We are a diverse school in terms of ethnicity. Girls join our Sixth Form. We monitor careers resources regularly to ensure that they encourage both boys and girls and students from minority ethnic groups to enter different careers.
The destinations of our leavers are closely monitored and younger students informed so that we are aware of trends and opportunities.
Monitoring, Evaluation and Review
The careers programme is monitored regularly and improvements made as necessary. The quality of careers education is monitored and evaluated through:
- reports generated by Unifrog on pupil participation and coverage of the Gatsby Benchmarks
- the analysis of the destinations of pupils
- independent assessment of provision at each academy via the Investors in Careers
- feedback from pupils and parents/guardians via surveys and/or conversations.
Relationship to other parts of the Curriculum and other policies
Careers education is conducted in accordance with the school’s equal opportunities policy, work related learning policy, external visits policy and other relevant policies. The whole school remit of careers is recognised and the curriculum is developed alongside that of other areas so that careers education is an integral part of the whole school curriculum.
The overall management of CEIAG is with the Deputy Principal, Mr Morris; the link governor is Mr Arun Aggarwal. The Careers Coordinator has overall responsibility for the planning and oversees the delivery of the careers programme via the Life Skills and Tutorial programme.
- The careers interview room – where virtual careers meetings are conducted virtually with our Mrs Milliner, our Level 6 qualified Careers Advisor
- The careers library – situated in the main school library containing careers books alongside college and university prospectuses
- The Sixth Form prospectus library – two revolving bookcases containing up-to-date university prospectuses
All students may use the resources. The Careers Coordinator has an “open door” policy and students regularly call in for advice.
Former students are a valuable resource and come in to help with careers work, particularly to support aspiring medic and law students. Virtual meetings are also set up with past students so that current students can gather more information about their intended career path. This is also a great an opportunity for them to ask questions and be provided with advice/tips regarding routes into industries, applications, interviews, etc.