Dear Parents / Guardians
Just a couple of reminders for Foundation Day on Saturday 6th July:
Students should arrive in the Vines no later than 10.30am for registration wearing full uniform. Any student exempt from attending the Cathedral should register in the Pavilion at 10.30am.
The morning session will end when they are dismissed from the Cathedral at approximately 12.00pm. Students will be unsupervised between 12.00pm and 1.05pm; any parent who is uncomfortable with their child being unsupervised for the duration of lunch can either ask them to walk immediately back to school, or may contact us ( and we will arrange a supervised walk to school after the morning service.
After lunch, students must report to the Pavilion no later than 1.05pm for registration for the Inter House Sports Competitions starting at 1.15pm.
Bags are not permitted in the Cathedral. Bags can be left securely in the Sports Hall after school on Friday (5th July). Any bags taken to the Vines will be collected by staff and transported back to school.
Students are permitted to carry a mobile phone throughout the day but it must not be used or visible either in the Vines, in the Cathedral or during the sports afternoon.
The day will end at approximately 3.10pm when students will be dismissed from school once the final race has taken place. Please ensure arrangements are made for their homeward travel.
The Art Department invites you to attend our annual Art Exhibition throughout the afternoon in the Da Vinci block. You will be able to view an outstanding range of work produced by our GCSE, A level Fine Art and Photography students.
Please note that we have been notified that the Castle Concert SuperBoxx Festival is taking place on the same day, resulting in extensive road closures and an increase in visitors to the area. Key roads around the Cathedral will be closed from 9.00am so please bear this in mind in your planning.
Kind regards
Mr C Morris | Deputy Principal