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We are delighted to be able to  offer reviews of the provision your school makes for its disadvantaged pupils using pupil premium funding.

What does a review entail?

The purpose and outcome of a review is to provide a new pupil premium strategy for your school. The review will be tailored to your needs. As a guide it may include:

  • An analysis of attainment/progress of pupil premium children and identification of gaps/areas for development;
  • An examination of pupil premium spending and the impact so far;
  • Exploration of the effectiveness of existing interventions and consideration of new initiatives;
  • Advice on informed decision making, monitoring and evaluation of the pupil premium and future steps for improvements;
  • Observations of interventions and discussions with key staff, governors and pupils.

Cost of a review

This is negotiable based on the size of your school and the length and depth of the review you want. As a guide, for a two form entry school, a detailed review generally takes 3-4 working days. You can pay for the review using your pupil premium or any other part of your school’s budget.


After the review your school will receive a report that includes action points for improving pupil premium spending, implementation and monitoring effectiveness.

This will be signed off by the reviewers and the school.


To discuss or organise a Pupil Premium Review, please contact Mr C Morris on 01634 844008 or email his PA, Mrs C Pullies at